Monday - Friday
8:30 - 2:00

(973) 948-3520

133 Route 645
Sandyston, NJ  07826

no national park

You may be seeing “No National Park” signs around Sandyston Township directing you to a “No National Park” Facebook page, but what does this mean?

In 2014, the Delaware Water Gap National Recreation Area released Vision 2030: A Vision for a Sustainable Future outlining their vision of the recreation area. At that time, the Township Committee passed a resolution entitled “R-19-2015 Opposing Specific Proposals of the Delaware Water Gap National Recreation Area “Vision 2030”.   One of several proposals was the idea of the Delaware Water Gap National Recreation Area being changed to a park/preserve.

Now, seven years, later that same idea is being pushed by the New Jersey and Pennsylvania Sierra Club’s seeking to change the Delaware Water Gap National Recreation Area to the Delaware Valley National Park and Lenape Preserve. It is important to advise that at this time, there is no formal proposal, there is no information as to the economical, agricultural or environmental impact to Sandyston, the infrastructure, where the “Lenape Preserve’ would be located, size or how it will be managed, entry fees charged and how fees would be collected, and more unanswered questions. A change like this would require an Act of Congress and we are aware of no current legislative activity on this matter at the congressional level. But, it is very important that we stay informed on this issue.

Once again, the Township Committee has passed a resolution, on March 22, 2022, entitled “R-26-2022 Opposing the Proposal by the New Jersey and Pennsylvania Sierra Club to Change the Designation of the Delaware Water Gap National Recreation Area to the Delaware Valley National Park and Lenape Preserve Until a Formal Plan is Presented for Public Review and Comment”. We have sent this resolution to our legislators at every level, agencies, municipalities and more to make our voice heard.

Always remember you are welcome to contact the members of the Township Committee to discuss your concerns and ask questions or attend monthly Township meetings. As information becomes available, we will provide information on the Township website and Facebook page as it becomes available.

The “No National Park” Facebook page has been created by concerned citizens where news and information is made available on their efforts to provide as much information as they can to the public.  

Be sure to visit their website for information, documents, contact information and more to aid in your research to determine your opinion on this matter.

As always, it is a personal decision where you stand on the issue.