Monday - Friday
8:30 - 2:00

(973) 948-3520

133 Route 645
Sandyston, NJ  07826

Did you receive the following letter in the mail?

It is not a scam.  Sandyston Township is required to comply with the N.J.S.A. 5:28A regarding Lead-Based Paint Inspections in Rental Dwelling Units.

See the following Code by Sandyston Township regarding Lead-Based Paint Inspection: 

Lead-Based Paint Inspection Ordinance 

See Chapter 115 regarding Lead-Based Paint Inspections

Please proceed to www.lewenvironmental/sandyston to confirm if you have a rental in Sandyston Township and how to comply with this regulation. If the property mentioned in the letter is not a rental dwelling, follow the instructions on how to have this property removed from the possible rental dwelling list.


Letter to Sandyston Residents Regarding NJ Lead-Safe Certification