Monday - Friday
8:30 - 2:00

(973) 948-3520

133 Route 645
Sandyston, NJ  07826

Sandyston Historical Connections

If you are trying to find a friend or loved one who may have lived in or have ties with Sandyston, the following information may be of use.

Sandyston Surnames

Sandyston is a beautiful old town with a lot of history. Listed below are just some of the family names that are connected to Sandyston Township: Ayers, Bell, Hursh, Hotalen, Cortright, Myers, Aber, Heater, Raser, Kyte, DePue, Smith, Bevans, Layton, Shay, Stivers, Skellenger, Ellett, VanSickle, VanAuken, Lantz, Cole, Snable, Stoll, Mettler, Gumaer, Jager, Vanness, Snook, Lawson, DeGroat, Perry, Kent, Decker, Rutan, Grau, Young, Everitt, Carmer, Bugsbee, Rosenkrans, Lundy, Warner, Major, Clark, Angle, Bell, Drake, Conklin, Compton, McKeeby, Utter, Coursen, Gunn, Black, Howell, Westbrook, Armstrong, Hartrim, Morris, Owen, Sigler, Newell, Rundle, Shafer, Ogden, Merring, VanEtten, Westbrook, Armstrong, Emery, Loder, Ennis to name a few!

Cemeteries in Sandyston Township

  • Hainesville Cemetery (Shaytown Burial Ground)
  • Layton Cemetery
  • Bevans Cemetery
  • Mettler Cemetery
  • Ancient Minisink Burial Ground/Old Gumaer Cemetery

If you need information on the location of any of the above cemeteries or help finding people buried there, please contact Patte Haggerty Frato, Historical Society President/Township Historian.