(973) 948-3520
133 Route 645
Sandyston, NJ 07826
Please be advised, a bat tested for rabies from CR 645 in Sandyston has come back positive.
Typically, when we receive positive results such as this (vs. a bat in a home that is contained to that home), it is suggested that we post this information on our website. Please note, one positive bat does not mean every wild animal out there is positive, just a reminder to be vigilant in protecting yourself and your animals.
It is always advised that people and pets not to interact with wildlife. If a wild animal is acting peculiar, residents are advised to contact their local police department and / or animal control. If it requires testing they will contact the health department.
The rabies page on the Sussex County website also has a wealth of information. Go to www.sussex.nj.us, scroll down blue navigator bar on left to “Animal Bites / Rabies”, and click on the link.