(973) 948-3520
133 Route 645
Sandyston, NJ 07826
In Sandyston, please use this form to request certified copies (OPRA Requests cannot be submitted for Certified Copies). You may deliver this request in person, drop off in municipal drop box or through the mail. Certified copies are $5 per copy, payable by cash, check or money order to "Sandyston Township". Please provided form, copy of photo ID, and payment.
In order to determine if your certificate is filed in Sandyston Township, the requester must be able to identify the record fully by filling out the required certified copy form, provide your ID, and fee. Upon receipt, the Registrar will research your request and provide you either with the certified copies requested OR return your request with a letter stating the requested information was not found.
Important: The Registrar is not permitted, by N.J. Statute, the confirm or provide information on marriage license applications or filed certificates with the municipality. The Registrar will not discuss requests for information over the phone.
Certified Copies of Marriage