(973) 948-3520
133 Route 645
Sandyston, NJ 07826
In the State of New Jersey, residents apply for a marriage license in the municipality which they reside as determined by a VALID driver's license and utility bills which are in their name. When the marriage license is issued, it is valid for 30 days in any municipality in the State of New Jersey.
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Where do I apply for my marriage license?
Non-residents apply for the marriage license in the municipality in which they intend to be married, When the marriage license is issued, it is valid for 30 days; however, it is only valid in the municipality in which you intend to be married. You must bring VALID identification with you to file for your marriage application.
What do you need to apply?
Download this document provided by the State of NJ Vital Statistics "Entering Into A Marriage or Civil Union In New Jersey"
Required documents when applying for a marriage license
Appointments are mandatory! Please call 973-948-3520 x200 to schedule an appointment.
Please visit the State of New Jersey, Vital Statistics website for information on what is needed to apply for a marriage license (form, requirements, proof of identiy/residency).
You may fill out the REG 77 "Application for Marriage, Remarriage, Civil Union or Reaffirmation of Civil Union" BUT only sign in the presence of the Registrar and your witness.
Upon filing the marriage application, the Registrar must hold your application for 72 hours.
You may apply for your marriage license within 30 days of your wedding date, but please remember to take into consideration the required 72 hour hold which is required by N.J. Statute. The only way to remove the 72 hour hold is through a Court Order.
Once issued, your license is valid for 30 days.
After you are married, your marriage certificate is filed in the municipality in which you were married and you must contact the Registrar in that municipality to obtain Certified Copies of your marriage.
In Sandyston, please use this form to request certified copies (OPRA Requests cannot be submitted for Certified Copies). You may deliver this request in person, drop off in municipal drop box or through the mail. Certified copies are $5 per copy, payable by cash, check or money order to "Sandyston Township". Please provided form, copy of photo ID, and payment.
In order to determine if your certificate is filed in Sandyston Township, the requester must be able to identify the record fully by filling out the required certified copy form, provide your ID, and fee. Upon receipt, the Registrar will research your request and provide you either with the certified copies requested OR return your request with a letter stating the requested information was not found.
Important: The Registrar is not permitted, by N.J. Statute, the confirm or provide information on marriage license applications or filed certificates with the municipality. The Registrar will not discuss requests for information over the phone.
Certified Copies of Marriage